Thursday, 25 April 2013

Interview with a Resident - one on one

An interview with a Little Paxton Resident.

Seven days from election day and today has been the strangest days of all so far during Ken and Bob's campaign... The official side has rolled on with various forms being completed and handed in to the relevant officers, boards being prepared for displaying our election posters and an unusual event taking place in the village... Why? 

Ken explains: "While collecting my granddaughter from the Little Paxton school this afternoon, I was approached by a village resident and asked about an election poster, then another joined us to offer her comment about the blog. Before I knew it there were quite a number of people gathered around and sharing some of their very favourable comments about some of the pieces we have covered. I had no idea we had such a following! As a result I asked one lady if she would be willing to provide her comment and views on what's happening locally."

To get a completely different perspective this is one Residents perspective. Watch out, there may be another before the election draws to a conclusion...

Part One: Mrs B.
"I have lived here more than twenty years, I have always worked locally and raised two children, they attended the village school but are grown up now."

What is it about the village that appeals?
"I love Little Paxton and the nature reserve. It amazes me that people come here for the day and we are lucky enough to live here! I like the fact that the postman waves and speaks in the mornings, I like knowing my neighbours and getting on well with people. I like the fact that our village has a good range of facilities, like shops and the doctors surgery. I've been down and used the new facilities in the park - I think they are fantastic. We have more than many other villages."

What of our Councillor?
"Over the years I have had a number of issues which I have taken to Councillor Churchill. Twice it's been about my bins! The most serious issue was flooding. There are a number of houses overlooking the river that were unknown to the Environment Agency! Imagine being advised by them and them not know where the house is! The river flooding is a major issue for the residents all around St Neots, but then all rivers everywhere are issues at times and resolutions cost money! I appreciate the work he and the Parish Council do, they never seem to stop working for everyone."

What was it about this local election that encouraged you to speak up?
"This election is different. I have been always been a party voter, for both local and national elections. This year I'm not. I am concerned that if all three councils are controlled by one party, there won't be any freedom of choice or realistic debate between the Councillors who are elected to work for us! Who will disagree when major decisions are being taken which appear to adversely affect residents - like the Cinema, or like the new housing developments?" 

"Will Councillors have the time to deal with issues on a village or personal basis if they don't live in the village?  Will they be interested? If all councillors come from the same party or the same area who will be able to speak freely for us in disagreement?"

"Locally I think we are quite fortunate but that does not mean people are happy to be continually financially squeezed. But for the first time that I can remember, the cinema, the new developments and the election - with so many people  unhappy, its all anyone is talking about!"
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

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