What could or should be done?
The A428 is a matter of longstanding political debate, one which has rumbled along at a pace similar to the speed of traffic returning to St Neots at 'rush' hour! It is a fact that without significant improvements to the A428 there will be ever increasing major holdups as St Neots continues to grow!
What has been done?
The South Cambridge MP - Andrew Landsley has said that upgrading the single carriageway section of the A428 is way down on the pecking order. The priority is the A14, £1.5 billion is being spent on improvements to the A14 including construction of a 'toll road' over the next few years.
Ken explains "The A14 has both national and regional priority. Neither the Government or the Highways Agency are interested in dualling the road between Caxton Gibbet and St Neots or constructing a new highway between Caxton Gibbet and the Black Cat at this time. The Wintringham estate proposals will have a severe impact on both the A428 and the surrounding local roads. I believe this needs to be addressed before any development goes ahead."
What will the impact be upon St Neots if the status quo remains?
Bob Farrer has been one of the few local councillors calling for improvements to be made to the A428 this side of any future developments in the area.
Bob explains his point of view: "I have continually voiced my concerns about the serious impact these proposed developments will have on St Neots. I do not believe it is right to consider such a high level of development in and around our town and not consider any upgrade to the A428! Let's not forget we are talking about 2800 houses up at Wintringham and phase two of the Loves farm development. That's 4000 dwellings!"
"Last year when I stood for the District Council I included my concerns in my literature. I am not alone in having these concerns, there are a great many residents from all over St Neots who feel as I do. For reasons which are a mystery I was told to change the content and warned not talk about these developments or the traffic issue! I DID NOT..."
"I am now more concerned about this situation than ever before. Many residents have spoken to me about the proposed developments and the A428. They have also been asking why I have chosen to leave the Conservative Party."

"Last year, after my literature containing my concerns was printed the branch refused to help me with the election! Other ward members were advised to do the same. Since then some of my fellow town and district councillors have continued this behaviour toward me on other matters. This has meant that I have been shut out from my County seat. These issues along with broken promises and other matters are some of the reasons I have for leaving the Conservative Party. I wanted to continue representing people in Eaton Ford and St Neots, because I feel strongly about what is happening to our town. I have had no alternative but to stand for election as an independent candidate. I care very much what happens to St Neots."
If the Wintringham Park development goes ahead with multiple access points onto the A428, the improvements will be a matter of necessity. The shear volume of increased traffic will impact greatly upon the access points which are already in place.
Bob explains his point of view: "I have continually voiced my concerns about the serious impact these proposed developments will have on St Neots. I do not believe it is right to consider such a high level of development in and around our town and not consider any upgrade to the A428! Let's not forget we are talking about 2800 houses up at Wintringham and phase two of the Loves farm development. That's 4000 dwellings!"
"Last year when I stood for the District Council I included my concerns in my literature. I am not alone in having these concerns, there are a great many residents from all over St Neots who feel as I do. For reasons which are a mystery I was told to change the content and warned not talk about these developments or the traffic issue! I DID NOT..."
"I am now more concerned about this situation than ever before. Many residents have spoken to me about the proposed developments and the A428. They have also been asking why I have chosen to leave the Conservative Party."
"Last year, after my literature containing my concerns was printed the branch refused to help me with the election! Other ward members were advised to do the same. Since then some of my fellow town and district councillors have continued this behaviour toward me on other matters. This has meant that I have been shut out from my County seat. These issues along with broken promises and other matters are some of the reasons I have for leaving the Conservative Party. I wanted to continue representing people in Eaton Ford and St Neots, because I feel strongly about what is happening to our town. I have had no alternative but to stand for election as an independent candidate. I care very much what happens to St Neots."
One resident complained. "It's absolute madness to build up there with no scheduled improvements to the A428... By the time the council or highways agency accept we need improvements, the development will be fully occupied and all around St Neots will be at a standstill!"
On February 20th in the Hunts Post the St Neots Mayor was 'cautiously welcoming' the proposed development' of 2800 dwellings at Wintringham Farm complete with access points onto the A428, now it appears, he's changing his mind.
Banner headlines are proclaiming that the plans should be refused owing to 'increased congestion on the A428' and the clear lack of infrastructures... Nothing seems to have been learned from the area recent housing developments at all it seems!
This is precisely what have Councillors Churchill and Farrer been saying for years. Their standpoint is a matter of public record.
Text copyright cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU
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