Saturday, 13 April 2013

Doorstep issues... A 'hole' lotta damage going on!

Potholes... It's a 'grate' big problem!

Meeting residents and listening to their concerns is certainly interesting...

This hole has been a growing problem for Wordsworth Avenue residents for some time. One resident said. 

"We have a local councillor living up here but we have not had anything done about this. The state of the roads around St Neots is unacceptable. Other pars of the area are alright, why not here? You would think road maintenance would be a priority because making repairs is cheeper than re-covering the whole road."

Bob agrees. "You can see the tarmac is breaking down all around this grate, that's not happened over night thats taken months if not years to break down. It is something that should be addressed quickly before it really does someone's vehicle some serious damage."

It's a well known fact that pot hole damage is on the increase as councils have chosen to cut back on essential road maintenance in order to save on repair expenditure. According to the District Council: 

"Potholes are considered dangerous when they are vertically sided, and more than 20mm deep, with a greater than 0.1 sq. m in principal road carriageways and 50mm deep in non-principal road carriageways, cycleway and marked cycle lane and are sufficiently far from the edge of the carriage or footway to be surrounded by bituminous material."

A local tyre fitter concurred... "We have more people coming in with tyre damage now than ever before. The winter we have had has really messed up some of the roads around St Neots. Something should be done. I had a customer in here the other day bought four new tires less than a month ago and came back in with two taken out by potholes... They can do some wicked damage because you're in them before you know how deep some of them are."

If any resident has a pothole issue - we suggest you contact your local ward councillor.
Or you can report the problem on the internet by going to:


Bob raised the matter with the necessary person's and we are pleased to report the issue has now been fixed.

All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

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