Friday, 19 April 2013

Doorstep issues... High sore Cinema...

Right idea... Wrong place!

Residents from the town end of Priory Park ward are extremely concerned about the size and scale of the new cinema complex being built in the heart of our town. Ken and Bob joined residents in reviewing the situation and have discovered for themselves what is upsetting so many people. Some of their issues have been reported in the local media this week.

One resident complained: "If they are going to spend 8 million quid on a Cinema, why oh why did the council agree to shove it into such a small space?" 

Feelings are again running very high over the development. Another resident commented: "We are the ones who have to live with it - Look at the size of that! Too close to the houses and far too big!"

A developers 'blunder' has meant that the development has two buildings, which have been located too close to the existing properties. As a result the project has been returned back to the planning application stage.

Ken commented: "Bob and I fully understand the residents concerns. It seems that but for the eagle-eyed dedication of the residents of East Street and the professionalism of HDC's buildings inspectors this could all too easily have been a disaster for our town. The financial implications over this 'blunder' are potentially huge. It seems from the documentation that we have seen, the developers must have been aware of this problem at an early stage, due in part to the scaffolding not being allowed to be erected on an adjacent site... It seem to be that the buildings footprint was moved from it's approved position to accommodate this."

It's sadly notable that those Councillors who were quick to champion the project, irrespective of all the concerns which have been raised since before its inception, are now as quiet as mice and no where to be seen. Although Ken and Bob fully understand that this is a developers problem.

Questions in the news & On our leaflet...
Bob agrees: "All the affected residents have largely been ignored, their very real fears over the size of this development and the future of it, have been brushed aside as unimportant in the desire to insert this massive 'potential' into St Neots. The believe they have been misled. Rightly, these residents are deeply hurt!"

There is little doubt that such a project being built during these very difficult times is or should be a good thing for all the residents of St Neots, but not at such a high cost to those closest to it.

Bob continues: "Ken and I have said all along, this is a very good thing for our town but it has been located in the wrong place! Opportunities could have been found to have a more sympathetic development on this site, one which could have provided just as many employment opportunities. More employment opportunities as well as a bigger cinema complex in another location around the town and the potential of a new supermarket which would have provided much needed competition to the major out of town retailer we have at the moment. The opportunities could so easily have been greater than we have here - If only some councillors had listened! It's nothing short of a good opportunity wasted."

The developers of the project are hoping this is only a temporary hick-up while the residents are hoping the planning application is rejected and an alternative site considered.

Cambridge Street view...

The final comment goes to the last resident Ken & Bob spoke to, she said: "It was nice here, before all this started. Town on the doorstep at one end of our road and a play park at the end of the field at the other. It was better when the recycling centre was  operating off Huntingdon Street, it might have been a bit smelly and been a bit noisy at times but it was never an eyesore on this scale!"

All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

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