Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer would like to thank every single one of our readers. Each one of them has contributed to the total of 1947 (as of 18:36) 'hits' we have had on the 22 matters and issues they have raised on behalf of all the residents of St Neots...
What issues have we raised for the Residents of St Neots?
The Cinema...
Concerns over the new pool...
Local infrastructure requirements at the Loves Farm and Little Paxton developments...
Hawkesden Road - Station Road verge parking...
Traffic congestion in St Neots High Street...
The Priory Centre's proposed redevelopment...
Riverside - The new parking charges...
St Neots High Street - Footfall concerns...
Childrens safety in Longsands Road...
Flooding issues - Little Paxton...
The new scoot system - St Neots...
Grass cutting and green keeping - The Hallards, Eaton Ford...
Mobile post office - Little Paxton...
Education issues - Funding & Results...
The A428 congestion...
Proposed new development's at Loves Farm (Phase two) and Wintringham Hall Farm...
Crossing safely - Mill Lane, Little Paxton...
Planning issues - East Street...
Road & drain repairs - Wordsworth Avenue, Eaton Ford...
Safer parking for Longsands Road Residents...
Pedestrian safety - Duloe Road, Eaton Ford...
Councillors Allowances - Value for money...
Councillors Allowances - Value for money...
On meeting Ken and Bob some Residents and campaign assistant's have asked to have their voices heard. We have presented their thoughts in the form of 7 interviews...
What have we said?
What have we said?
The Residents perspective - Eaton Ford, Little Paxton and Priory Park...
The one on one interview - A Little Paxton Resident...
The Phil Moore Interview...
The East Street Residents Interview...
The Photographers' word...
Ken and Bob have used this blog to raise awareness of the issues and concerns the residents of St Neots have at this time. They have made no false promises or assurances. They have repeatedly pledged to do THIS for the people of St Neots...
Bob says: "We want the best for St Neots, we have the experience and the dedication to achieve success for people. They know where they stand with us."
Ken says: "We will seek to achieve solutions or where necessary improvements to issues, which Residents bring to us. We will raise awareness of those issues in all levels of local government. We will provide residents with progress and updates on this blog and face to face."
Bob says: "We want the best for St Neots, we have the experience and the dedication to achieve success for people. They know where they stand with us."
You have 2 votes.. Please use them.
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU
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