Friday, 3 May 2013

Thank you!

Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer would like to thank every Resident that voted for them. They would also like to particularly thank all of the residents that have contributed to this blog with their thoughts, comments and issues.

Your support has been much appreciated by both Ken and Bob and also everyone in the team involved with their campaign.

Bob remains a Town and District Councillor, while Ken remains a District Councillor. Both are happy to hear from Residents with any issues. This blog will remain open for sharing issues and updates on the work which has been started or is underway for the Residents of Eaton Ford, Priory Park & Little Paxton.

Thank you.

Ken & Bob
All images and text © cg-photography
On behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Did you know...

Did you know...

Chris A former Papworth Trust service user.
Achieving success on his own challenge (2011).
The Papworth Trust would like to hear from anyone interested in setting themselves a challenge to raise money and help support the fantastic work the the Trust does for many local disabled people.

They have an experienced fundraising team to offer support to any challenge event being undertaken for the trust.

To find out more you can contact the trust on:

01480 357206

or email:
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

Polling Station closure...

The Almond Road polling station is closed...

The nearest polling station is the Creative eXchange in the Longsands Academy Campus, Longsands Road.
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

And finally... Did you know?

Did you know???

The election for your Cambridgeshire County Councillors is tomorrow. This will be the last blog post until the results are available on Friday... (Watch this space).

Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer would like to thank every single one of our readers. Each one of them has contributed to the total of 1947 (as of 18:36) 'hits' we have had on the 22 matters and issues they have raised on behalf of all the residents of St Neots...

What issues have we raised for the Residents of St Neots?
The Cinema...
Concerns over the new pool...
Local infrastructure requirements at the Loves Farm and Little Paxton developments...
Hawkesden Road - Station Road verge parking...
Traffic congestion in St Neots High Street...
The Priory Centre's proposed redevelopment...
Riverside - The new parking charges...
St Neots High Street - Footfall concerns...
Childrens safety in Longsands Road...
Flooding issues - Little Paxton...
The new scoot system - St Neots...
Grass cutting and green keeping - The Hallards, Eaton Ford...
Mobile post office - Little Paxton...
Education issues - Funding & Results...
The A428 congestion...
Proposed new development's at Loves Farm (Phase two) and Wintringham Hall Farm...
Crossing safely - Mill Lane, Little Paxton...
Planning issues - East Street...
Road & drain repairs - Wordsworth Avenue, Eaton Ford...
Safer parking for Longsands Road Residents...
Pedestrian safety - Duloe Road, Eaton Ford...
Councillors Allowances - Value for money...

On meeting Ken and Bob some Residents and campaign assistant's have asked to have their voices heard. We have presented their thoughts in the form of 7 interviews...

What have we said?
The Residents perspective - Eaton Ford, Little Paxton and Priory Park...
The one on one interview - A Little Paxton Resident...
The Phil Moore Interview...
The East Street Residents Interview...
The Photographers' word...

Ken and Bob have used this blog to raise awareness of the issues and concerns the residents of St Neots have at this time. They have made no false promises or assurances. They have repeatedly pledged to do THIS for the people of St Neots...

Ken says: "We will seek to achieve solutions or where necessary improvements to issues, which Residents bring to us. We will raise awareness of those issues in all levels of local government. We will provide residents with progress and updates on this blog and face to face."

Bob says: "We want the best for St Neots, we have the experience and the dedication to achieve success for people. They know where they stand with us."
You have 2 votes.. Please use them.
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Who misled the Residents of East Street?

While delivering campaign leaflets last week Ken and I met Elizabeth Dalrymple, a young working Mum living in East Street. Curious about the impact the controversial cinema development has had, I asked if I could see the view from her back garden. What I saw shocked me. This is what she had to say...

Ground floor
"I came to St Neots ten years ago. I like the town, it has character, it's an old market town. These cottages are part of that, they are it's history. This is supposed to be a conservation area, for goodness sake! Have you seen that? It's even worse upstairs." 

Elizabeth, shaking with suppressed rage, points toward her full length dining room window, which should be flooding light into her pretty cottage interior. Instead, all that can be seen is a monstrous web of steel girders forming the bulk of the new cinema blotting out the light and her view.  From the first floor window I can immediately see what she means, the entire skyline is dominated. From higher up, there is nothing to see but building!

First floor
"For ten years I have been able to see out of my son's bedroom window to overlook the park. Now all I see is that monstrosity! It may not have been pretty before, but it was never that! There are young families living here, our children used to play in that park. They promised us they were going to keep it. They promised us a lot of things. Can you imagine what that is going to look like when it's clad? What colour are they going to cover it? Grey... Black? Why? Why did they build it here? It has spoilt the town. St Neots does not need that monster!"

According to the plans trees will be planted along the wall at the back of Elizabeth's garden to 'hide' the new development.

Second floor
"Great! Three new trees will be planted to replace the two which were destroyed! Right up against my wall and growing underneath it!"

"People are being told that the building only 'looks taller' because it is a 'little' closer to us... That we can't tell. It hasn't got a roof on yet. Look at the size of it! They are wrong - it is taller and it is closer - it does matter!"

"That is not the entire issue, which concerns us... When the building was moved everything else was moved as well. As a result the plaza is narrower. There is no wide open concourse, there will be no ambience, there won't be space for dinning outside. There is only one entrance and exit - through the old tip access - NOT through Lidl. It's awful."

"Can you imagine what will happen in an emergency? A packed six screen cinema emptying? 600 to 800 people! Only one entrance and exit! Anyone who used the old tip will remember how bad it was with all the traffic blocking the road. Just imagine this 'plaza' filled with people. Where are they going to go? If that were not enough... What about the noise? The refuse collection? The servicing of the units? The constant smells from the four restaurants? What time will the place be closing at night? Where are the 600 people going to park?"

To further illustrate the point Elizabeth guides us a few doors down to meet Alison.

In and out?
"Apart from the obvious." Alison says. "The difficulty with this development is the narrow rather limited access. There is no turning circle. Vehicles can only enter and exit onto Huntingdon Street. That is going to cause untold havoc with the traffic at peak times."

The residents of East Street were supposed to be 'consul-tees' on the development. They have discovered a number of areas, which they believe are cause for concern.

Ken surveying the Huntingdon Street traffic.
"There were a number of discrepancies within the documentation, they were flawed." Alison explains. "First off the town council rejected the development, for a number of reasons, Residents were there. Then a further planning meeting was arranged, there were only three of us that were able to make it, but an entire quorum of developers turned up to greet us! The Town council passed the plans and then, when we challenged their 180 degree turnaround, they tried to make out they had never rejected it!"

"Today there are a number of issues with this development aside from the relocated building and the altered narrow layout of the plaza. Water and highway access are two but there are others. Most developments these days incorporate a percentage of the jobs to be carried out by local trades people - there was no such agreement here. This monster is not even being built by local people - there has been no 'jobs for St Neots' because of this. The public Arts facility will be built by a company based in West Midlands!"

"What I don't understand is why our District Councillor did nothing to help us and why Peter Rowleys' money has been used in a way which has caused so much distress to the people of St Neots - I am sure it is the last thing he would have wanted. No one thinks a cinema in St Neots is a bad thing. But no one thinks this is the right place for it."

Residents have until Friday May 3rd to raise any comments on the development with Huntingdon District Council - Currently the planning portal is 'experiencing difficulties'.
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

Campaign contributions... A word from the photographer...

Been there... seen that.
I've never been this involved with an election campaign before. In the past I have had posters and signs, I have delivered leaflets. I have even campaigned for Ken Churchill. But this year, I became a lot more involved...

There are the usual things, like leaflets and posters that need designing, printing, folding and delivering. Then of course there is the blog, something completely different for this election campaign. It has been an interesting experience, both rewarding and time consuming! Meeting and talking to so many residents has certainly changed my perspective of what St Neots is thinking.

Personally, I like delivering, perhaps it's the 'playing postman' for a few days or the opportunity to get out and walk for hours around the neighborhood, I'm not sure, but it's always been my favourite 'political' activity, although truthfully, I'm not certain I would like to do it full time. My hat goes off to postmen & women everywhere...

We have all walked the three areas of Little Paxton, Priory Park and Eaton Ford, which this election covers. Some of the things we have seen have given us joy, one or two - cause for concern. 

We have discovered that some of the gardens are absolutely stunning. For each of us there are one's that really stand out.

Personally I have two favourites: Both are in Eaton Ford. One was just a silver birch in a patch of lawn, which was filled with cyclamen in every shade of pink - there were hundreds of them! Another was a winter garden packed with Heathers, grasses, low growing shrubs and conifers in every shade of green, set against a red brick terraced house with a shiny red front door. It was a delight to see. As the last leaflet goes out I might knock on a door or two and ask to take some pictures to share with our readers - after the event on Thursday though!

We also talk about things we have seen, the good and the not so good. I went to one house and became quite concerned. A set of keys were hanging in the lock. I knocked and waited for ages before a rather frantic looking lady answered. I asked her if she knew her door key was in the lock and she gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen... 'I've been going mad for two days looking for the ruddy things', she said.

In the older part of St Neots, around the Avenue Road area I've been enjoying the architectural features. As a photographer I appreciate the old front doors, beautiful stain glass windows and highly polished letter boxes - there are just so many different things to see when you have a leaflet in your hand!
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU

Monday, 29 April 2013

Doorstep issues... The Council's role?

What does a council do?

Bob says: "It's quite surprising the number of residents who know there is a council but don't know what it's actual purpose is."

Local councils are a body of people, elected by local residents to conduct the business of the council. District councils are responsible for a range of services, including: environmental services, town planning, housing, benefits, education, libraries, transport, and others.

The County council provides another range of services on top of those looked after by parish and district councils, they cover a larger geographical area and provide services such as schools, social services, and some public transport.

Ken explains: "In Little Paxton we have an excellent Parish Council. It's run by a small dedicated number of volunteers who get together to decide on things which are necessary for the benefit of all who reside within the village. The St Neots Town Council is a similar body with similar responsibilities."

Bob takes up the matter. "When I first became a town councillor it was more informal than it is now, we got just as much done, in fact I think we got more done, because it was all for the good of the town and the people living here, we certainly didn't argue over politics, we got the job done! We used to have a couple of ladies that brought flasks of tea, one even had her knitting with her. We would sit and discuss the issues which needed to be sorted and make decisions. I don't think she ever dropped a stitch!"

At County level Council tax also pays for essential services such as street lighting & highway maintenance. It also pays for the nicer things which benefit the community. 

Councillors don't work for the council and are not paid a salary for their role. However, district and county councillors usually receive expenses to cover the cost of attending meetings and other duties - these are referred to as 'Allowances'. There has been considerable debate about the cost to residents regarding councillors allowances - following the Saturday Essay - published this week in the 'Daily Mail'. Allowances claimed by Councillors are a matter of public record and they make very interesting reading!

Bob says: "The County role can be demanding, many local councillors have their council duties on top of work and family commitments."

Ken agrees: "Being an effective councillor requires both commitment and hard work but it can be really rewarding, especially when an issue has been resolved or you have contributed to change something for the good."
All images and text © cg-photography
Promoted by Carol Gamby on behalf of Ken Churchill and Bob Farrer all of 83 Huntingdon Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1DU